Introduction Amateur radio ABOUT Activity Contest – October 2024

ABOUT Activity Contest – October 2024

N1MM+ v prostredí Windows 10 počas OM Activity Contest-u
N1MM+ in a Windows environment 10 during the OM Activity Contest

From my point of view, the last round of the OM Activity Contest won't change much in the QRP SSB ranking. It counts towards the overall result 9 best results while I participated in every round. In case of a better result than in any previous round, the total score will be improved by the difference from the weakest round.

Windows problems 10

I upgraded from Windows last week 8.1 on Windows 10. Surprisingly, almost everything works, but the external sound card, which processes the signal from SDR Softrock, which is connected to the intermediate frequency Yaesu FT-1000MP does not want to sample at more than 48 kHz. The next day I try another sound card. The result is the same. I am feeding RTL SDR v3 NEW. It does not have a large dynamic range, but the width of the processed band is more than sufficient. This SDR behaves a little differently than the Softrock SDR.

The mystery of the ionogram

No radio signal reflections are visible on the ionogram this time. There is actually a mix of both DX and local stations on the band. Is possible, that in Pruhonice they have some technical problem.

What is an ionogram??

An ionogram is a graphical representation of the characteristics of the ionosphere, specifically its ability to reflect radio waves. This graph is created using a device called an ionoprobe, which sends radio signals into the ionosphere and measures time, beyond which the signals bounce back.

The ionogram shows signal frequencies on the vertical axis and signal height or return time on the horizontal axis. The ionogram makes it possible to identify the different layers of the ionosphere (for example E, F1 and F2 layers) and observe changes in its structure depending on time, solar activity and other factors.

Ionograms are important for radio amateurs and telecommunications, because they provide information about the propagation of radio waves through the ionosphere, which is essential for long radio links.

Let's go to the OM Activity Contest!

Since the band is full, so I'm not trying to start a challenge. In such a situation, the search is faster. This is also shown in the exchanged codes, where I have only minimal distance to QRO stations. However, they will return it to me later!

Only a limited number of stations can fit into the frequency range. It was expanded after 3775 kHz, but it seems, that many stations do not yet register this change. I tried to give a challenge on this frequency and it was not very successful. Likewise, stations above 3770 kHz did not seem to be effective.

Therefore, the pace slowed down significantly after thirty connections. I don't have all the multipliers. But I have N written down (OK2BFN aj OM3CDN), B (OK2YB) or H (OK1VHH). I also heard OM1EE, but this time the connection with Jaro did not work out.

After an hour, they are enrolled 48 conjunction with 22 multipliers, What is 1056 points. I have a little doubt about the two connections, but i can't check them. There are no recordings. I'm not sure, did i forget to start QSOrecorder or there was some error after switching to windows 10. I have yet to find out.

Thank you for the many beautiful moments in this year's OM Activity Contest! It was difficult for you and for me. If you like challenges, start QRP too!
