Introduction Amateur radio OM Activity Contest with mp3 recordings of connections - December 2023

OM Activity Contest with mp3 recordings of connections - December 2023

Decembrové počasie na Kráľovej holi
December weather on Kráľová holi

The last OK/OM SSB race for the 80m year 2023. Such rounds are always a bit specific and this one was no exception.

HINT: zigzag band retuning

Displej Yaesu FT-1000MP
Displej Yaesu FT-1000MP

A wise contestman once said: „Rate is King“. It usually does, that connections are made faster when challenged. Yes, but with QRP the signal may not be so attractive, for the calling stations to come in or even to keep the frequency on call. Then search is an option&pounce, that is, searching for other stations, which give a challenge.

I use to SO2V – but it can also be used with SO2R – to retune the technique, which i call "zigzag". That's the principle, that I tune alternately. For example:

  • VFO A: 3700 kHz prompts OK1DQP
  • VFO A:volám OK1DQP
  • VFO A: OK1DQP responds + at that time I'm already listening VFO B 3703 kHz, where I hear OM0UA
  • VFO A: vI am sending data for OK1DQP
  • VFO A: OK1DQP confirms the data and, according to the situation, I already call on VFO B OM0UA
  • VFO B: OM0UA answers + at that time I already find na VFO A OM3SEM
  • VFO B: I am sending data for OM0UA
  • VFO B: OM0UA confirms the data and according to the situation I am already calling on VFO A OM3SEM
  • VFO A: OM3SEM answers + at that time I already find na VFO B ….
Frequencies used in OM Activity contest December 2023
Frequencies used in OM Activity contest December 2023


What is the advantage of this method? Reducing the time to identify the next possible connection. This advantage increases if I already have most of the stations in the log and during two sessions of the station, with which I make the connection, I can check two other frequencies on the second VFO.

December OM Activity Contest

This time, the propagation conditions were more favorable than in November, but apparently it was not possible to get all the multipliers. Apparently a directive effect (OK1IF) signed under an excellent signal from Jara OM1EE:

He also surprised Martin OM8KT, who is not a stable participant OK/OM SSB racethis one at 80m:

Rate in the December OM Activity Contest

Rate v OM Activity conteste december 2023
Rate v OM Activity conteste december 2023

I managed to give a challenge on different frequencies and thus collect the stations as well, which focus on calling others. It's at the end 54 QSOs and 24 násobičov. I used a Yaesu FT-1000MP 5W transceiver for an inverted V na antenna RDM-12 masts.
