Introduction Amateur radio SSB League with mp3 recordings of the connection - November 2024

SSB League with mp3 recordings of the connection - November 2024

Pomer OK a OM značiek v SSB Lige november 2024
Ratio of OK and OM brands in SSB League November 2024

This time SSB League, which I didn't go all the way. Several times I lost the frequency in SO2V mode, but I appreciate it, he always asked earlier that he would arrive, as he launched the challenge.

I will make a few connections before the SSB League, while the latter will also become the opening link of the competition. Apparently, several stations were listening on the frequency, because they immediately call others. But after them there is silence. I had several such quiet periods in the November SSB League. Propagation conditions looked good, but there seemed to be few stations. Perhaps the excellent conditions at VKV and the A1 Marconi Memorial Contest pulled them to higher frequencies.

I made several connections in SO2V mode. Here, for example, I was doing a QSO with VFO B OM0AJ. Notice, that OM6ADC he asked, whether the frequency is free:

This is the disadvantage of SO2V. It was also possible to broadcast the answer "busy". But I can't hear at that moment, which broadcasts OM0AJ. SO2R mode does not have this limitation. However, it is technically very difficult to implement it on one band.

It was surprising, that during my call, the stations tuned in closely to my frequency, while someone warned me about the width of the transmitted signal. However, looking at the SDR, the width of my signal did not seem to be above standard. I used as usual a Yaesu FT-1000MP with SDR output and KV amplifier according to G2DAF excited after 250W power, but not all the time.

Minute numbers of connections in the November SSB League 2024
Minute numbers of connections in the November SSB League 2024

It's after an hour 84 QSOs to 56 OK and OM districts, which means 4648 points.
