Introduction OM0A CQ contest-y OM0A results

CQ contest-y OM0A results

Ham Radio holiday in the Tatras

Fairly soon discovered scores of major world competitions, CQ 160m SSB a CQ WPX contestov 2013 older result CQ WW RTTY Contest-u 2013. In all, I was QRV and here are the results:

CQ 160m SSB 2013: OM0A SO Ass. 422QSO, 3US/VE, 46DXCC

Perfektné je, that in difficult reception conditions top band, what each, Who is this band moves, were crossed only two(!) connections. In addition, OM is a second. Full scorecard can be found at: 2013 CQ WW 160-Meter Contest Complete Line Scores

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CQ WPX SSB 2013: OM0A SOAB Ass.LP 1150QSO, 597 násobičov

Eighth best result in Europe 268 stations and new OM record. Deducted 23 QSOs and 6 násobičov. Full scorecard can be found at: 2013 CQ WW WPX SSB Complete Line Scores

CQ WW RTTY 2012: OM0A SOSB 15mAss.HP 168QSO, 47DXCC, 22 Zones, 13 US/VE

Getting to Know RTTY turned out quite successfully – OM new record. Full scorecard can be found at: 2012 CQ WW RTTY DX Contest
