"Everything bad comes with something good”, a likely source told the PA a few days before the CQ WPX Contest-om testified service and predestined, that OM0A scored a new record.
However, this initially meant to revise the category of "lepers”(100W), or. QRP. And that was motivation, I looked at the table OM Records. The challenge offered particular band category, because last year allband fared relatively well (8. v EU). As the propagation conditions in the solar cycles are erratic and mindful of the race, where 10m podarili 2 (two words) connections, so I decided to 15m LP Assisted. It's a nice day area with lots of DX stations. So why not.
Contest Pregaming connection with the 4.12UT A73A z Kataru, follows VU2RCT from India, Saudi Arabian pair of stations, FR4NT of Reunion and for him the first European, YU5A. Rate is not high, but pleads with the 100W easier than I expected. DX cluster forsíruje 10m. Ez, Yet so this band opened!
delight multiplier KL7RA (Alaska), HK1NA (Colombia), KP4RV (Puerto Rico) and several US stations. But almost every connection is a multiplier. For example KI1G, K6nd, KU2M and WX3B, all US stations, the multiplier, even if they are from the same country. Different are their prefixes, i.e.. beginnings brands. Links nicely updated with a Saturday night to overcome record Janka OM8LA. But it would be premature to wrap, because the same objective can also have another contestmani! Saturday concludes G4AYR (England) QSO with number 234.
JH4UYB is that correct Sunday's wake! After all, who better than you to wake up a person from the country of the rising sun! Japanese are machri. There is no other radio amateurs, who would know so well listen. Joy with them to do spojenie.Domo arigato!
Big fight was about XP1A. It's clear, Perhaps the only station in Greenland, So they would like to have all the log. It only took maybe an hour connection. Thank God not straight. This is not a good tactic in the race – try dlhočizné minutes on a single connection. At the end of the few links to the challenge: CO3JA (Kuba), YB5EHQ (Indonesia), OM7ACA (Slovakia), HI8EFS (Dominican Republic),…
I am overcome 301-thousand points. The logo is 442 contacts, 355 multipliers times 850 points. A lot? Little? we'll see, what could the competition. What is certain is, the CQ WPX again disappointed. He prepared for radio amateurs wonderful theater with interesting propagation conditions and many rare stations.