Introduction OM0A OM0A in 2020

OM0A in 2020

Anténa Diamond W-8010

The main change in the year was the change in QTH. The new location is a pleasant village Ivanovce in the district of Trenčín (TNC). Moving antennas is also related to relocation. At KV I use Diamond W-8010 with a peak at approx. 6m.

I was heard in the SSB League under the non-contest brand OM0AAO, which, however, I only walk as a one-hour race with myself. In the November and December rounds, I exceeded 100 QSO. The second race, which I regularly participated in is the OM Activity contest.

Even before these races, I tried QRP operation in the 40m band in the CQ WPX SSB Contest. In the summer OM0A appeared in OM VHF LOW POWER contest and the main season ended CQ WW SSB contest.
