Introduction Hamradio Codex

Hamradio Codex

Amateur radio is ….

…. considerate

Never intentionally behave in such zones, to take action annoying to the pleasure of transmitting to other radio amateurs

…. Loyal

It depends on the progress of Amateur radio, always available and willing to help other amateurs in the club, his work is always within their capabilities and abilities to work towards trying to develop the company to which it is.

…. advanced

Continually monitor technological advances, tries to improving and maintaining its equipment in such condition, as permitted by the latest technical knowledge.

…. Friendly

If asked to do so, willing to reduce the pace and work on the band Patient. Always be friendly and thoughtful advice to beginners. Willingness to cooperate and be understanding for the interests of other – This is a major hallmark of the spirit of amateurs.

…. balanced

Radio is his passion. Do not admit, to his liking was an obstacle in the family, working, school or other obligations to the community.

…. patriot

It is always ready to their art and equipment company, and willing to help the country.