After not very good income conditions deja vu in the OM Activity Contest. But maybe a little worse.
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TIP – address by name
Most of the competing stations know each other. I have dozens of connections with many. If you have poor audibility, address the station by name as well, her essence, that you understood the brand is growing. It is more pleasant and collegial at the same time.
June OM Activity Contest…

... was demanding. we'll see, how many connections the stations will not have recognized. The conditions of propagation were really unfavorable. Occasionally the signal would appear and after a few seconds it would leak. I was missing two multipliers for quite some time, but when M calledOK1VHH art, in the log were complete 26 násobičov.
The recordings are mostly with the noise blanker on, but you will probably recognize it anyway, that the intelligibility of the signals was poor.