Introduction WPX Contest

WPX Contest

CQ WW WPX Contest

Follow the links to all stations. With one station can be made to a single band QSO. Station competing in the category Single Op can work up 36 hours, must then have a break of more than 60 minutes.

In all categories (i Assisted) are permitted to use DX Cluster.

SSB section – Fourth Saturday from 00:00 UTC until Sunday in March to 23:59 UTC
CW section – Fourth Saturday from 00:00 UTC to Sunday in May to 23:59 UTC

1,8 to 28 MHz bands except WARC


SSB (March), CW (May)

SOSB LP – max. 100W out
SOAB LP – max. 100W out
SOSB qrp – max. 5W out
SOAB QRP – max. 5W out
SO Assisted
SO Assisted Low Power – max. 100W out
SO Tribander/Single element (TBWIRES) – tribanderu any type of higher bandwidth with a single power of the TRX and wire antenna for lower band. During the race, the category may be used only for a tribander 10-15 and 20 m antenna and jednoelementové (napr.dipóly) the band 40, 80, or 160 meters
ROOKIE – for amateurs, with the concession max. 3 years of the date of the race
MULTI-ONE max.jeden TX signal, iba all bands a hight power. Applies 10ti min.pravidlo to change band (except to obtain a new multiplier)
MULTI-TWO max.dva TX signals, iba all bands a hight power
MULTI-MULTI TX signals without limit, iba all bands a hight power

Ve all categories are allowed to use DX Cluster.

Competition Code:
RS(T?) + serial number of QSO 001.
Station, soutěžiace in the category Multi-Multi QSO numbered separately for each band.

QSO so station outside the EU
– 28/21/14 Mhz 3 body
– 7/3,5/1,8 MHz 6 points

QSO with a station on their own continent, but with a different DXCC
– 28/21/14 Mhz 1 bid
– 7/3,5/1,8 MHz 2 body

QSO with own DXCC
– regardless of zone 1 bid

prefixes 1x per race, regardless of time zone and QSO
Example: DL1, N1, P40, P41, VE1 …
F / DF4ZL is calculated as F0
K1AR / 3 is calculated as K3, etc..

of 1.5. SSB čásť; of 1.7. CW CABRILLO format in proportion to:
for the SSB section:
the CW section: