Introduction Amateur radio MKARS80 transceiver

MKARS80 transceiver

Detail PCB MKARS 80 transceivera
Detail PCB MKARS 80 transceivera

MKARS80 transceiver is a single-QRP 80 m. bjednať you take it with you Steve G6ALU, while the price is about. 70EUR including postage. The transceiver has been proposed specifically with respect to the low cost and feasibility of amateur conditions. Performance range is suitable MKARS80 advanced radio amateur. Components is about. 300, and it is necessary to yourself to wind several coils and transformers.

In my version, I decided to edit, I modified the tune varactor tuning with 10-turn potentiometer and I added AGC own design with A244D (TCA440). This design works well. I recommend at least two construction make improvements: place resistor R9 fitted trimer 1k so, the runner connects to the C21. This allows you to adjust the modulation signal to the optimum level. No treatment was very high modulation sensitivity. The second change is to use display with backlighting (type 1602). Backlight significantly increases operator comfort. In the preview you can see how the implementation TCVR-and looks:

