Introduction Amateur radio OM Activity Contest with mp3 recordings of connections - July 2023

OM Activity Contest with mp3 recordings of connections - July 2023

N1MM+ log
N1MM+ log

After a holiday break, I managed the OM Activity Contest in the usual QRO/SSB category in July. Setup is unchanged, transceiver Yaesu FT-1000MP s antenna inverted Vee na mast RDM-12. Before the race, I said hello to Števa OM7KW, Jana OM0AJ a Ronyho OM4KK. Ronald is active in many races and achieves very good results. Lately, he has been troubled by interference, which complicated his income.

The propagation conditions could be characterized as summer. Reception of some signals was very difficult. Thanks to Jar OM1EE, who patiently repeated the code. Unfortunately, he got away in a lot of signal callers OM3KWM (probably Ferko OM8TA). But we managed to get it 25 násobičov, which was probably the maximum on SSB. The final letter Q in the mark was apparently not active on SSB in the July OM Activity Contest. This is what signal recordings look like:

