Introduction Amateur radio OM VHF LOW POWER Contest pozvánka

OM VHF LOW POWER Contest pozvánka

Pôvodný QSL lístok OM0AAO
Original QSL card OM0AAO

Slovak amateur radio portal organizes QRP contest on VHF, held on Sunday of the first weekend of August (5.8.2018) from 07.00 of 13.00 UTC band 144 MHz.

OM0A (op.OM0AAO) It will be QRV from the dimension Považský Inovec, JN98as. Setup will consist of Kenwood TR-751E battery powered and 6el. DKZ7ZB to portablovom mast. Weather forecast for Považský Inovec for Sunday is favorable, so I'm looking forward to the joint QSO on 144 MHz!

Conditions OM VHF LOW POWER CONTEST u 2018
