Introduction Amateur radio OM Activity Contest - May 2024

OM Activity Contest - May 2024

Ionogram počas OM Activity Contestu
Ionogram during the OM Activity Contest

Radio wave propagation predictions are even more complex than weather predictions. But after night, when the aurora borealis was visible not only in our regions, but also further south, it was illusory to expect, that the propagation conditions on the 80m band will be good. Were not.

You can see the ionogram in the picture, which is almost reflection-free. For the whole hour, the SSB part of the OM Activity Contest practically did not change, even if there was a brief improvement. Only the eastern Slovakian stations were better. Jano OM0AJ passes S9+5dB and at one point I registered it even S9+20dB. But only briefly.

Of 28 contacts, which I have written down are definitely two wrong ones. I know, that Stano OM8AQ did not accept my code and I had to make two connections with Roső OK1RZ, because the first one was also not correct. But there may be even more mistakes.
