Introduction Amateur radio SSB League with mp3 recordings of the connection - May 2023

SSB League with mp3 recordings of the connection - May 2023

Okná v N1MM+
Windows in N1MM+

It's the first weekend of May and most workers are looking forward to Monday, when they have a day off. They are at the same time this weekend 2.subregional VHF races. It certainly also affected the participation in the May round of the SSB League 2023.

Before the start of the SSB League, I will make some test connections. When connecting with Ferk OM8TA however, different noises are heard from the headphones outside of the desired signal. The search for their originator is easy - OK1KTW. Listen to what their signal sounded like (in the recording around the 20th second):

How to avoid a bad signal?

This kind of thing can happen to anyone. Apparently some technical error. In addition to assessing the signal on the band, we can also check our signal by ourselves on one of them webSDR receivers. With Jan OM0AJ we did the TCVR setting like this twice after half an hour. A good setting is sometimes not easy to find. And that it was worth it, I think, is confirmed by the results of OM0AJ and the quality of its SSB signal.

May round of the SSB League

In the first minutes, instead of collecting connections, I devote myself to explaining, because I can't hear anything through those armpits. Then it goes better. Brands also appear, which I do not write in the log normally.

In connection with Štev OM7KW we get almost the same number of connections, same with Jan OM0AJ. I also find Tibor in the lower segment OM3SEM (Komárno district) the Mira OM5RW (Partizánske district). Later I find more stations there.

Here are the audios of SSB Liga – May 2023

I used the usual setup: Yaesu FT-1000MP transceiver with small transistor amplifier and inverted Vee antenna. They are logged in after an hour of operation 90 contacts. After the last connection with OM1EE I release the frequency to him.
