Introduction Amateur radio OM Activity Contest with mp3 recordings of connection - April 2024

OM Activity Contest with mp3 recordings of connection - April 2024


After the forced break in the April round of the SSB League, I was curious about the OM Activity Contest. Connectors and cables are certainly the most common problem with electronics. I replaced the unreliable microphone cable after the SSB League. However, the date of the OM Activity Contest coincided with radio amateur meeting in Drozdov. Assumption said, that some stations will prefer to travel to this meeting before participating in the race.

In that case, the stations have the advantage, which are not as far from Drozdovo as Tibor OM3SEM. Already in his 80s, he is a regular participant in races and a very skilled operator. We will try the first connection before seven o'clock. I'm getting a report 59 s QRP. After increasing to 100W, it increases 15 decibels more. This is how the connection with OM3SEM in the race:

Propagation conditions appeared very good, but even so, there was probably room for every station to broadcast a challenge. Many times I saw a free frequency without any station. Jirko decided for QRP this time OK2PGJ and this is how he was heard:

I struggled with the Laca signal OM2ADM:

Which signals were the strongest, on the other hand? I would choose Martin's signal OM4MM:

Then signal Dan SO2V allows:

I would also include Jan among the strong signals OM0AJ, however, I made the connection with him on the second receiver of the transceiver Yaesu FT-1000MP and thus cannot be heard in the recording. But hear Lac OM2RL:

It's at the end 51 QSOs and 22 násobičov, which is more than the course of the OM Activity Contest indicated. In the end, connections with OM3KWZ operated by Štev OM7KW:

And also the connection with Honzo OK1MNV in the last minute:

All links in MP3 from the April OM Activity Contest 2024:
