Introduction Amateur radio VKV PA - October 2024

VKV PA - October 2024

Leteckí modelári tiež obľubujú Černecký vrch
Aviation modelers also like Černecký vrch

After two missed rounds of VKV PA, I was looking forward to the trip to Černecký vrch. In August, it was ruined by illness, persistent rains in September, which caused floods especially in Bohemia. The surroundings of Černecký vrch were also struggling with water at that time. Not even Draho OM3CQF made it to Žalostin.

However, the October weather forecast was much more favorable: temperature inversion with stronger winds. This probably also motivated aircraft modelers, who gathered about a hundred meters away. A few moments after their arrival, the plane was already floating in the air.

Video: airplane model above Černecký vrch

HINT: F5LEN propagation forecasts on VHF

This kind of autumn weather also favors the conditions of propagation on VKV. Website F5LEN It offers tools and charts, that help the radio amateurs better understand the dynamics of the spread of radio waves and predict, When and where will they have the best conditions for connections.

The condition showed, that in the morning should be improved spread south and north. Later this was to get worse.

The last round of the Slovak VKV PA

Breakfast departure couldn't do without scraping icing from the car. The temperature fluctuated on the way, But it seemed, that with the increasing meters growing. On the Chercene Hill the thermometer showed at the arrival at half past nine 5.5 ° C. Working gloves However, they came in handy! The wind was strong, So the feeling of temperature was lower. Complete Setup, however, I have prepared in less than an hour.

Luckily I turned on the computer in advance. Also he went upgrades to Windows 10 and at the start he decided to complete the updates. Fortunately it didn't last more than a few minutes. I ran out of the car once more of the car antenna, to make an indication on the rotator to agree with the actual azimuth. I looked around a little over the zone. I also found one E7 station when direction of 90 ° else. This confirms this, that the spreading conditions of the spread are above average.

I start with a challenge on the seveozoest because of the scan with SP3KEY. But it calls a number of stations from other directions. The signal from JO71 is not yet passing through, But then it appears. For me, this is a valuable multiplier. Shooting into this direction also brings other connections from this direction as Ok1hmp whose OK1JPP. Some signals are difficult to. Not since they would be weak. There is a strong disturbance. Later, he also mentions it dearly OM3CQF. Fortunately, it was only at the beginning of VKV PA and then I did not see this interference.

After 20 Minutes I choose to tune the band. In conjunction with OK station I hear DB7MM/p. Immediately I try a challenge a few kHz lower and actually a moment the signal from JN59 comes. Right behind him is calling DM1DF. Even though I tried multiple DL stations, There are only these two in the diary.

The absence of Italian stations is also a surprise. I had no idea, that the weather in the local region brings floods. This seems to explain why several stations from Italy were not on the band.

Also a surprise, But pleasant, is an activity from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I wrote them up to eight. Franta has also called OK7WA, that has only 3W power.

At the beginning of the last hour I talked to Miki for a few minutes OM3WKX regarding antennas. He also walks portable with similar antennas, so we took a few details. Tuning to the zone is paid, I find, for example E77P. Also helps Kst4Contest from DO5AMF, who is trying to record the frequencies of the stations. As a result, I can quickly “check”, Whether the station is audible. Can also be relied on SN9W. They bring a locator JO90.

Map of locator squares in VKV PA
Map of locator squares in VKV PA
DXCC Statistics in VKV PA
DXCC Statistics in VKV PA

I try again and comes multiple OK stations. The hundredth is OK1DPO. On signals to see strong power fluctuations. S Ok7se so we are fighting for a longer while. The greatest struggle was for a connection with OK1JEH/P. At the end I try to head northeast and reach out to stations through KST chat from this direction, But apparently they already wrapped it up. It will surprise SO2V allows from another direction, which also fills the gap in the map, JN87.

Together 115 the connections gives 438 points, what is the average 3,8 point / QSO. By 26 Locator squares gives it 11388 points. In a year-round sum, I approached 100,000 points. I haven't grown to it yet. Perhaps in the next year! So I look forward to hearing!
