Such VKV PA is not forgotten! A week in advance there were reports of excellent DX conditions. However, the approval law says, that just when it comes in handy, so the conditions end. The announced change of weather predicted it.
After the August round of King's club, KN08bv, I headed to Černecký vrch again in September, JN88rs. The alarm clock rings o 5.45 morning. This is because the road was reconstructed on about six sections before the summer, which caused more delay and it was not possible to build all the intended antennas.
The journey was surprising, work is currently underway on only two sections and the new asphalt can really be known. Driving with a trailer full of antennas and masts is not exactly pleasant.
The antennas are best built in the wind, so it was blowing hard! I lift the system first 4x 5-element DK7ZB yagi antennas. I also decide on a second mast with 2x 8-elemental DK7ZB yagi antennas. Lifting is very easy thanks to the pulley system. It's worse with the upper antenna mount, which is weaker. After all, they have almost antennas 4,5 metro and their lever is already known.
An airplane modeler stops nearby, and a little further later, a man with children, who fly the kite. It took two hours to build the whole setup.
But after connecting the USB device to the PC, the problem appeared! Windows could not recognize the SDR receiver and other peripherals such as the interface to the rotator and the antenna switch. Since VKV PA had already started, so there was no time to deal with it. I just connected one antenna and started broadcasting.

Already the first connections are showing, that it's going great. I4GHG he comes at the first call in mighty force. It is 668 kilometers. I also find OL1B. Mirek is a regular provider of the JO80 multiplier. It is a huge plus, that there is no interference from the southeast direction. I have direct visibility to Žalostiná, from where Draho broadcasts, OM3CQF. With the preamplifier turned on and directed to the given area, the signal can already be felt. So that I also bother him as little as possible, so I try to stay on the edge of the band. After twenty minutes I try the challenge and they are added to the diary YT5W (545 km), YU7ACO (505 km) or a sequence of Croatian stations like 9A1N, 9A7D, 9A7KFF, 9A1VZD, 9A1DL, 9A2YF.
When connecting with YP2DX I detect a deviation in the direction of the rotator. This can be easily fixed. A while later he also calls YO2BBT.

He opens the second hour E70AA (569 km) and in a few minutes E77OA (631 km). It is possible to reach out via KST chat I3QJZ (578 km). She calls after him I4BME (666 km). I try to head more westward. Michael calls with a perfect signal DB7MM/P. Although "only" 432 kilometers, but a multiplier: JN59. By the way DO1NPF/P other Czech stations from JN69 also call: OK1RD, OK1MHU, OK1XBF and on the Paľo sked OK1CRM. From JO60 again OKAY.
While walking along the strip, I also find SN9W and finally JO90 is also in the logo. I end the second hour by connecting with the Dragon OM3CQF.
I tried connecting with Ivan for a few minutes OM3CGN to KN08, but I didn't hear him. But he heard me OM8DD and connecting to it added this valuable locator.
It's a surprise LZ2TDF, who wrote through KST. The connection was made quickly, while on Todor's side there was only 50W and a 4m long antenna. On KN13 in the distance 779 kilometers it is truly excellent.

That connection became Daniel DM1DF and immediately calls after him DL1RWO. After a while, Peter also calls OM6TX. It's at the end 110 QSOs to 32 locator squares, which gives 13408 points. They are the last in the log 9A1CRS and E76MD.

Although it was a demanding VKV PA, but truly memorable. Hopefully, other stations will also mention him, which also made nice connections.