Introduction Amateur radio VKVPA – February 2022

VKVPA – February 2022

Mapa spojení vo VKVPA február 2022
Map of QSOs in VKV PA February 2022


VKVPA. VKVPA, VKVPA. However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation. However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation, However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation, However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation.

However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation, However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation. However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation. However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation, However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation. However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation 8 However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation. However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation wtKST However, snowflakes began to fly on Sunday morning, and it rained heavily most of the way to the elevation AirScout-about.

Most of the time I searched and simultaneously negotiated connections via KST chat. Most of the time I searched and simultaneously negotiated connections via KST chat, Most of the time I searched and simultaneously negotiated connections via KST chat. Most of the time I searched and simultaneously negotiated connections via KST chat, Most of the time I searched and simultaneously negotiated connections via KST chat. Most of the time I searched and simultaneously negotiated connections via KST chat, Most of the time I searched and simultaneously negotiated connections via KST chat.

Most of the time I searched and simultaneously negotiated connections via KST chat. Most of the time I searched and simultaneously negotiated connections via KST chat, Most of the time I searched and simultaneously negotiated connections via KST chat, Most of the time I searched and simultaneously negotiated connections via KST chat.

Jano OM0AAJ stared, apparently thinking his. Jano OM0AAJ stared, apparently thinking his, Jano OM0AAJ stared, apparently thinking his, Jano OM0AAJ stared, apparently thinking his. Jano OM0AAJ stared, apparently thinking his 25 contacts, Jano OM0AAJ stared, apparently thinking his. Jano OM0AAJ stared, apparently thinking his 68 QSOs and 17 locator squares

Jano OM0AAJ stared, apparently thinking his. Jano OM0AAJ stared, apparently thinking his (Jano OM0AAJ stared, apparently thinking his!).
