Introduction Amateur radio OM Activity Contest with mp3 recordings of connection - April 2023

OM Activity Contest with mp3 recordings of connection - April 2023

Slnečná erupcia
Solar flare

Which signal in the OM Activity Contest is the strongest for you?? Among the very strong signals for me are: OM4DU, OM0AJ, OM7KW, SO2V allows, OM4KK, OM6TX, OM2RL, OK2KI or OM6WW.

HINT: see the logs after the evaluation

in the OM Activity Contest, one or two connections often decide. Browse the diaries of some stations and watch the stations, which would bring you more points. Try to do them in the following rounds.

Let's look at the errors

OM5LR: the connection is not found in the counter station's log. Recording:

OM4ADI: the opposing station did not record the log and the condition 5 of diaries is not fulfilled. Recording:

Both mistakes are innocent. It just happens - and it can happen to anyone. Here are the MP3s of all the links:
