Introduction Amateur radio SSB League with mp3 recordings of the connection - June 2023

SSB League with mp3 recordings of the connection - June 2023

Yaesu FT-1000mp
Yaesu FT-1000mp

At the end of May, I did the tuning of the antenna. She resonated almost on 3800 kHz, which was not optimal. Extending the arms of the inverted V shifted the resonance correctly by approx. 60 kHz below. The contest setup did not undergo any other changes, takže FT-1000MP s INRAD roofing filtrom, small transistor amplifier approx. 300W to the mentioned antenna on the RDM-12 mast and N1MM+.

Already during the trial connection with Power plant for powering the broadcasting workplace and other radio amateurs, but I notice relatively poor reception. However, I cannot distinguish whether it is the propagation conditions or the noise level generated by the electrical equipment in the vicinity. Lately with devices, which produce to an increased extent some interference of radio amateur frequencies, the bag was torn.

He will call on the call for SSB League Cyro, OM7AAC, by Števa OM7KW's father. The connection stretches until the start of the race and is thus the first in the diary. The reception is still difficult and I often have the data repeated. For example, but Milan OK1IF he called himself, apparently for the first time. Many caller brands are new. It is probably given by the team, that there are groups of radio amateurs on the hills preparing for Memorial OM3AU and Microwave race. They probably also tried the 80m race as a warm-up.

QSO rate v SSB Lige 06/2023
QSO rate v SSB Lige 06/2023

I was lucky, succeeded above 100 connection in the first hour. This has not been possible for a long time. It was not easy because of the demanding income, what you can hear in the recordings:

