Introduction Amateur radio SSB Liga with mp3 recordings – March 2023

SSB Liga with mp3 recordings – March 2023

Setup na CQ WPX Contest založený na FT-1000MP

You can listen to the MP3 from the March round of the SSB Liga directly in the article by selecting the desired recording. He creates QSOrder, which is an application for recording amateur radio connections recorded in the N1MM log (or TR4W). QSOrder tracks the tag entry in the log and creates separate files of a default length.

For my first attempts at uploading connections, I left the default setting. QSOrder is not recording my transmission and not yet the reception on the second receiver. I work SO2V, which means, that on one device (Yaesu FT-1000MP) I listen to VFO A in the left earpiece and VFO B in the right earpiece.

For the SSB League, I also use a modified RM Italy KL-501 amplifier, which puts approximately 300W into the antenna at RDM-12 masts, which is inverted Vee on the 80m band.

In the March round of the SSB League, I logged in an hour of operation 99 contacts (from that 2 duplicate connections):

I recommend trying the OM1HMI recordings, OM5LD or strong signal OM4KK. You would read the OM1HMI signal?

Also in the following races as they are SSB Liga, OM Activity Contest whose VHF Operating Assets I would try to record your signals. If we have a QSO, you can request a recording.
