Introduction Amateur radio OM Activity Contest with mp3 recordings - March 2023

OM Activity Contest with mp3 recordings - March 2023

Mapa Európy
Map of Europe

Also in OM Activity Contest-e I realized the recordings of the connections, but with a different setup than for the SSB Liga Contest. If the connection was successful in both races, it is also possible to compare the difference in audibility.

before OM Activity Contest-I looked ionogram in Pruhonice. I tend to watch the ionogram quite often as a good indicator of short-range propagation conditions even during such races.

I find Števa OM7KW na 3756 kHz to give a challenge, so let's exchange a few words. Števo is retuning higher and I am starting the OM Activity Contest on this frequency. Snow is falling outside the windows and the reception seems to be more crackly than usual.

Since N1MM+ cannot yet display the overview of multipliers, so in the OM Activity Contest I also use paper with letters, where I distinguish individual multipliers. About twenty minutes before the end, only one is missing, the letter H. I can see in the bandmap, that Martin OK1VHH is spotted, but there are multiple stations. Until I get to this spot on the other receiver, so the signal OK1VHH he is not there. I try to look for him in the zone and at the same time give a challenge. It's at the end 81 contacts – much more than it looks from ionograms and static crackle estimates – but the H multiplier is missing.

A slightly different setup QSOrder created shorter MP3 recordings. Try it, maybe you will meet there. unless, try to call next time and then your signal will appear in the archive.
