The second time from Černecký vrch, JN88RS. Attempting a second antenna system. He was successful?
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HINT: how effective is the use of ON4KST chat?
During this VKV PA I sent 98 messages for 61 brands. of them 15 there was no response to the message on the chat. There were successful ones 22 brands, 3 skeds could not be completed.
The more observant will probably notice, that the group remains 21 brands. Some stations, for example, responded with it, that they go in a different zone. I just sent some thanks for the link.
Success 22 connections from 61 brands is 36%.
Logged road
Reconstruction is currently underway on five sections of the road to Myjava. The road, which takes about an hour, thus stretches to almost an hour and a half. And the same way back. If not even more so.

Testing the new mast
I assemble the system first 4x 5-element DK7ZB yagi antennas. I have tried it, that these antennas work very well. Since the build is fast, so I decide to try the second mast as well. It is 11 meters high telescopic mast. Lifting is realized by a two-pulley system of lifting through the needle.
HINT: use of thicker anchor ropes
Experience speaks, that thin anchor lines tend to tangle. For this mast, I prepared an anchorage made of polypropylene rope with a diameter of 6 mm. Not a hint of confusion!

I prepared the mast with one 8-element DK7ZB yagi. Lifting was very comfortable, but the antenna got twisted. Maybe the antenna mount is less tight? The mast also bent. This is a consequence of two things:
- the AirCom+ coaxial cable is heavier and was not attached properly
- the lower anchor level is not used. A single anchor prevents the mast from bending during raising and lowering
I ended up not using the antenna, but lifting alone brought valuable insights.
VHF PA - June 2023
Right from the start Dear OM3CQF advises, that French stations could also be heard. It's going well since s I4GHG a po DK3JH also calls DB7MM/P, a while later DK4VW. However, from the direction, which proved to be very effective last time - a strong noise is coming from the south and south-east. This is quite annoying, so I try to contact the stations via KST chat, that I know about, that they could manage to do. That is, from other directions.

Peter also called on the challenge OM6TX and although I had the antenna turned elsewhere, we made the connection. It was one of the weakest signals (and yet close).
A quick connection with I1BPU at a distance 778 kilometers. The longest connection! But E73PS I couldn't read in the noise. S IW2CTQ we have been trying to connect longer: I heard him, he not me. Quite a few stations were devoted to higher bands, which delayed a bit at the KST chat. It's at the end 92 contacts, one of which is duplicated, and 25 locator squares.

I tried to pay more attention to the direction as well, which tend to be less productive (northeast and east), but it did not bring much effect. Hopefully next time the aforementioned noise will not appear and the second antenna mast will be in operation!