WXP CQ contest is for stations in Central Europe relatively favorable rules - in particular lower bands allows you to get a number of different prefixes from neighboring countries. Moreover,, OM0A brand is also needed for many multiplier.
Even in autumn it began production of a new mast for the 15m yagi. The implementation of the new antenna on this band we have long discussed, since the lifting of a large antenna before the race and after dismantling the race is physically demanding and the number of people. Z viacerých options presadil 4EL. yagi OK1RI, before that time described Ondrej OK1CDJ. Served as the basis of aerial, by selflessly devoted Oliver MW0JRX, now VK8DX. Rotator I got second-hand - older CDE 44.
Since the week before WPX is held Russian DX contest, I decided to participate and try out some antennas. I did not know it yet, the preparation antenna has a "school" just for contest. In the Tatras perfect weather I prepared 4el. To 10m yagi G0KSC a vertikál to 40m. Russian DX contest alone I just graduated out of curiosity, and on Monday I was inevitably headed for the doctor.
During the week I finished the base of the mast and dochystal material, although physically it was very bad. Because it looked, that the number of entries to the contest is reduced, I contacted several well-known for help.
On Thursday afternoon, arrived shortly Igor OM6CI with more news, including a new PA. Together we built inv.L on 160m and assembled the new yagi on 15m. Evening arrived Števo OM7KW and so we quickly put into the air inv.V stretched out on the 80m and coaxial. In the meantime got dark so we left antenna tuning for Friday.
Fridays was the early morning wake-up call, preparing a new mast to raise and come furthest participant, Paul OK1PMA. Arrived Peto OM6PR and found, forgot that required cable. Call Josh OM8LA this serious issue is resolved soon and we welcome Jane to the person.
Correction to handle 7/14MHz Yagi
Lifting pole on the first attempt failed. After the withdrawal of one tube was already. Better be QRV with less than pole QRT. Števo s Pavlom natiahli beverage. Came Dano OM4AQP and in the afternoon we embarked on the most difficult job - fix mount antenna for 40 / 20m. It went quite well, Finally, we have already rehearsed it in the autumn, HI.
Once everything was almost finished, Arrived Rado OM0AMR. Completed and the offices for the first time a noticeable, everything that is poised.
Contesto before I ran the fan, because the new PA produced spáleninový odor. First he sat down dust, but we did not want to risk, that breaks down. Shortly after the start of the race RUN2 reported (means woke me), that falls computer. Seek a little Stretching, but after fetched another keyboard, PC mouse and relocation solve annoying problem and lasted until the end.
Broadcast to me harder, It has not yet been medically OK. The technique worked well, PA's ukľudnil. Connections increased in ways, was seen, that solar activity is better than before, 10 meters but still waiting for a better opening. From time to time managed some connection to this band, but it was rather than DX-ed contestovanie.
Service departments rotates in nonrhythmic changes, but nobody does not matter much. We overcome the result of a year ago and corrects its estimate of income up. Compared to Saturday are better conditions on 15m and 10 m. The approaching end of the race is taking shape one more mecta - 1000QSO to 40 m. Although we did not achieve it, but it did not matter at all.
Thank you all for the great race, to enable us to move the bar to score 6,6 million points and 2856QSO. Another story written by Steve OM7KW Contest and you'll find it at http://om7kw.cq.sk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=127&Itemid=1