Introduction Amateur radio SSB Liga with mp3 recordings of the connection - March 2024

SSB Liga with mp3 recordings of the connection - March 2024

KV PA s RE125C
KV PA s RE125C

During the March round of the SSB League, there is also ARRL DX Contest and by VKV 1st subregional race. Both competitions have an impact on the SSB League, although each one is different.

Variable shortwave propagation conditions

Morning propagation conditions tend to go through several phases. From long distance propagation to greyline propagation around sunrise to local propagation. Sometimes there is a chance to hit the so-called directive effect, which will enable very efficient propagation of radio signals. During the SSB League, the distribution conditions can change significantly.

In March, the start of the SSB League is still under mixed conditions of distribution. In the band 80 meters, it is possible to communicate with the station at one moment 300 aj 3000 km away. The start of the March SSB League is therefore on time, when stations attempt connections with US and Canadian stations. This usually requires large performances, which creates crowding when there is limited space on the band.

March SSB League

Immediately after the start of the SSB League, I release the frequency, on which I have been making connections for several minutes. A Croatian station is launching a challenge right next door. Surprisingly, almost instantly I find a free frequency and continue the challenge, but I'm missing one unfinished connection.

Tube amplifier with RE125C

I use a tube amplifier, which I am gradually correcting. It uses two RE125Cs (4-125A) tubes, which would also allow 500W, but for testing I wake him up about half way, him 250W. In addition to cleaning, the amp required a new anode choke to be wound, replace the connecting cable between the input and output relay, modify the shunt on the output pi coil and add a parallel capacitor to the tuning 80 m band. It remains to improve the input circuit, where resistors with large inductance are obviously used, which impairs adaptation. In this, analyzers like nanoVNA are great helpers. In addition, there will be cosmetic details such as a new painting of the panels and, last but not least, new scales for tuning the amplifier.

QRM v SSB Lige

Due to the high level of interference, it is difficult to use a second receiver on the FT-1000MP. Most connections are by request. Only at the end of the hour, in which I participate in the SSB League, I choose to tune in and search for stations. New brands keep popping up, which is also caused by the aforementioned 1.subregional races. They are often visited by radio amateurs, where, in addition to VKV, they will also make several connections in the SSB League. This is how brands will also appear on the band, which are not common. For example OK1FUJ:

and also OK1ES:

The double connection with OK7VU and OK7MU:

OK2SFP has great performance, but the operator could probably improve:

The beginning did not indicate, that I will approach a hundred connections. Here they are:
