Although not a record, but a very successful VKV PA. At the same time, I failed to connect with OM0AB and LZ2ZY, which I have heard, however.
Early spring weather greets me in the morning on Černecki vrch. They are +3°C, it blows, but bearable. I am good at composing Antenna 4 x 5 – elementov DK7ZB yagi. There is no change in the setup, but I paid attention to the pulled out audio connector and resoldered the power cable at home HA8ET preamplifiers. Apparently it helped.
Disadvantage of USB devices
I'm struggling a bit with the USB in the beginning again. I am using a dual USB to COM converter and one USB to COM contains the Arduino. It appears, that even if they connect the same ports as before, so the port number changes from time to time. I managed to set only one, which provides the interface to the rotator and VKV PA started.
February VKV PA
Radu writes via ON4KST LZ2ZY with interest in sked. We try and I can actually hear him. Draho can hear him too OM3CQF. However, Radu does not hear me. We also try the bounce from the plane, but despite the good looking situation the connection failed.
However, my call aroused interest in him, and several stations were waiting on the frequency with an interest in connection. Thank you very much OE3CIN, who waited perhaps the longest. I am writing down the first lesson 39 contacts.
I see, that many Italian stations are active. I am trying I4GHG na 668 kilometers and immediately successful. It follows him IK4GNG with distance 649 kilometers and immediately with a similar length as well IU4CHE. Franta will surprise me OK7WA, which I don't often meet on VKV. Another multiplier is added by Michael DB7MM/P and Daniel also confirms it DM1DF. I've heard it before OL1B and now the connection is successful, thus adding JO80 to the log.
The connection with E73PS, What is 572 kilometers, but mainly another multiplier. A look at the map says, that JN86 is missing. Shame-no shame, Please Tamász HG1DRD the sked. His station could be called a big-gun (has antennae on 70 meters high mast). Thanks to Hans-Peter OE4WHG JN87 will also be colored a little later. I will notice, that Janko is also connected to ON4KST OM8OM. I try to reach him. The signal is not strong, but it does not matter. But unless I had the antenna turned exactly on KN09, I think so, that even when giving a challenge from the party OM8OM I would not catch the signal during the search. Janko, well thank you!
It presents itself as an excellent signal I3QJZ z JN55. It's unbelievable, that soon 600 kilometers some stations produce and hear as if they are just around the corner. I am still making the same locator square IK3SSG, but I'm going to go to a lot more trouble here when exchanging the code. Hubert OK1MHU also adds JN69. N1MM+ cannot calculate locator squares, just show their map. She looks very good, which makes it even better IK4ZHH from JN63 a OKAY (OK1CSM) with JO60.
I tried to connect with Jožek OM0AB. I caught the signal legibly several times. I heard him making a connection with Janko OM8OM. Unfortunately, he didn't hear me. It's at the end 103 QSOs to 27 locator squares, which is almost 10,000 points.