Introduction Amateur radio OM Activity Contest with mp3 recordings - March 2024

OM Activity Contest with mp3 recordings - March 2024

Screenshot N1MM+ z marcového kola OM Activity Contest 2024
Screenshot N1MM+ from the March round of the OM Activity Contest 2024

A week after the SSB League, there is another round of the OM Activity Contest. I think I'm more used to QRP, which the results suggest. This time I also bring a screenshot to give you an idea of ​​what the N1MM+ configuration looks like, which I use.

HINT: N1MM+ configuration

Don't be afraid to customize N1MM+ to suit your needs. One of the most important is setting the font size and colors. After all, the operator will have the entire contest in front of his eyes. The main setting is in the menu Config > Manage Skins, Colors and Fonts:

N1MM+ setting of colors and fonts
N1MM+ setting of colors and fonts

The main window is configured a bit unconventionally. Right click can be set, which parts of it will be displayed. By turning them off, it is possible to get more clarity if they are not used:

Making the N1MM+ main window more transparent
Making the N1MM+ main window more transparent

Multiple windows allow additional font size adjustment:Setting the font size in N1MM+ windows

Setting the font size in windows N1MM+ The selection of windows is also important:

Selection of available windows N1MM+
Selection of available windows N1MM+

Don't forget to save the settings:

Saving windows in N1MM+
Saving windows in N1MM+

How the March OM Activity Contest went?

You could tell the difference right away: much less interference, even multiple free frequencies per call. But I don't start with a challenge, but by connecting with Tibor OM3SEM:

Tibor is a regular participant in various KV races, but this time he complained about the interference and therefore I had to exercise more patience, until we made the connection.

PSV a wattmeter SWM2
PSV a wattmeter SWM2

However, subsequent connections go in a faster sequence and I give higher numbers to several stations than I receive. Getting all multipliers with QRP is harder, because some multipliers are represented by only one station, which either shows up briefly or doesn't make connections when prompted. Thus, such a station can only be made by your own challenge. An example is Cyro, OM7AAC also serving the club brand OM3KWZ. Going to the challenge is therefore also a must in QRP.

The second rule is, that I am not trying to call QRO stations, that I know about, that it will be possible to connect with them later, for example OM7KW:

or SO2V allows:

I manage to rack up two dozen multipliers fairly quickly without a challenge. But it takes longer to move by two additional multipliers. I see in the table, that I'm missing the "V" multiplier. I have already heard Ľub OM1AVV in connection with another station, so it was clear, that this multiplier is achievable. Since I know his style of operation, so I undertook to give a challenge even though for long moments it did not bring any new connection. But the assumption was confirmed, shortly before the end of the OM Activity Contest Ľubo OM1AVV he called:

The logo is 55 QSOs and 24 násobičov. The fight for multipliers paid off.
