The opening photo captures me at the end of winter. I had no idea then, that OM3WAO leads me to amateur radio. From the beginning with direct-mixing receivers, in addition to technology, I mainly fell into amateur radio racing, Not excluding the SSB League.
When favorable conditions of propagation are combined, greater participation, it is possible to do so in the SSB League in over an hour 100 contacts. Milan OK2KI declares 119 connection in one hour. Hat down, championship result!
S TCVR-om Yaesu FT-1000MP s Inrad roofing filtrom, smaller PA 250 – 300W to the antenna inverted V na RDM-12 masts it went very well. It appears, that the SSB League is expanding to new districts. Station, who were in the SSB League for two hours declare almost 90 districts!
Peter OM6APM gave KNM, Kysucké Nové Mesto:
Zdeno OM4AZL was one of several stations from the Ilava district, ILA:
Ervín OM7PY represented the district of Lučenec, LUC:
This is how your signals sounded in SSB League February 2024: