Introduction OM0A Contest Team Stay in log OM0A!

Stay in log OM0A!

Yagi at 20 m below Lomnicky Peak
OM0A logo
OM0A logo

Call to all radio amateurs! At the end of the month, exactly 28.-29.brand 2009, sa uskutoční CQ WPX Contest, SSB section, which will be attended by a team composed OM0A: Viliam OM0AAO, Martin OM4AAS, Mima OM4AQW, Igor OM6ACI, Peťo OM6PR and Števo OM7KW. QRV'll Tatranska Lomnica in High Tatras. Work will be on all bands with the following antennas:

160m: inverted L antenna

80m: inverted V-Greece + beverage on NA

40m: 1/4 vertikál

20m: 2he. DK7ZB yagi

15m: 2he. DK7ZB yagi

10m: vertikál

It's the first time, which our team participates in the composition of a similar action. Very welcome, therefore, any connection or zaspotovanie OM0A to DX Clusters. Especially please OK / OM stations on the link on the lower bands, which will be encouraging our operators to other races.

All OK / OM stations QSL cards will be sent, preferably via bureau. We look forward to you!
