Introduction OM0A Contest Team IARU HF Championship story

IARU HF Championship story

IARU HF Championship OM0A prepared for this new challenge - to grapple with the category of multi-single and telegraphy. Only this category is intended for race teams.

From the original intention to use the chat Michalková gathered for complicated transport, therefore, the team met again in Tatranska Lomnica: Viliam OM0AAO, Mišo OM0AAB, Gabo OM0AAG, Igor OM6ACI, Števo OM7KW and at the last minute to add Janko OM8LA. On Sunday we were visiting Giedrius LY1FW.

The advantage of more people being less burden on each individual. Therefore, we are on Friday evening to roast a variety of goodness with, that all material is in place and we have the antenna on the 160 m to 20 m.

The Wake Up Call on Saturday morning had Igor OM6ACI, which ran OM contest Activity. Igor incidentally made his record result and highly praised the second receiver to the FT-1000MP. Even invertované going really well.

When connected to the analyzer 20 meter Yagi raise the problem and the antenna had to go down. The problem in the connector William resolved quickly, while the rest of the team while he fought with unmarked pipes, which Yagi mali compiled for 15 m. For the first time they failed and thus the antenna had to go down again.

DK7ZB yagi na 20m s vynoveným rotátorom
DK7ZB Yagi for 20m s vynoveným rotátorom

We considered whether to implement the antenna to 10 m. Števo not a replacement of the antenna dish OM0AAB crash. Gabo helped OM0AAG, who brought classical Mišom CB verticals. Finally, it is well demonstrated, that we are 10 m nevypustili, but predbieham.

The race was starting Števo to 15 m, which was at the start of the race open. His task was clear - to collect as many multipliers for this band before it closes. John came OM8LA, which the only operator to manage this area races. Brought to the PC interface but not grazed, and so the first connection made CW Janklo of manual key. Sacrifice went home after the second interface, which worked perfectly.

40m a 15m antény
40m and 15 m Antenna

We turn around in one and a half-hour intervals and the entire time the system worked well. At the lower band (80m a 160m) We preladili until after midnight, where William used the novelty signs on both bands and produced less pile-up. Us somewhat circumvented the storm, partly Zone vyprázdnila.

On Sunday morning we were visited Giedrius LY1FW with synmi. This was a nice 10 meter band is open and so can the native language of their colleagues to greet HQ station.

In the end, the score managed to push through 400-thousand points, 900 contacts. Excellent preparation for the next contesto!
