Introduction OM0A CQ 160m SSB 2014

CQ 160m SSB 2014

Inv.Vee anténa na strome
Inv.Vee antenna in a tree

CQ 160 meters SSB category SO HP ass.: 442 47DXCC and links to 4W / VE provinces gives 113.169 points. The overall result is 9% over the same setup as before. Terrific was the start, after the first night I was on about. 70qso viac! made VY2ZM.

Rozloženie spojení v CQ 160m SSB 2014 po jednotlivých hodinách
Types of connections in the CQ 160 meters SSB 2014 individual hours

On Saturday night, however, the crackle of static, condx evil and lead gradually dwindled. Since I was working full duty Friday and Saturday, I pulled 41h tastes including contest. Break So I gave earlier, 22OUT – 02.40OUT. Highlight was Sunday morning, when he managed to 4x and 1x HK. Interesting DXCC: 4J, 4L, 5B, D4, SV9, Z3. I pushed it to the end result of 9% the better, but you can say, that the operator and setupové option is probably ceiling. QRV together 19h. TNX all for an interesting contest, CU of year again!
