Introduction OM0A European HF Championship 2013 coming soon!

European HF Championship 2013 coming soon!

Displej Yaesu FT-1000MP
Displej Yaesu FT-1000MP

European HF Championship is an excellent contest, which it can be very zapretekať and with less setup.

European HF Championship will be held on Saturday 3.augusta 2012 from 12.00 do 23.59UT. The competition will be on the HF bands 160-10 meters CW / SSB / MIX in two performance categories, LOW a HIGH. They are valid only connection between European stations. Replaceable code RS(T?) + two digits of the year, in which the operator received his first concession, eg. 59 75. DX cluster is allowed. Full propositions European HF Championship: .

OM0A It will be QRV in the category CW only on all bands HIGH. GL!
