Introduction OM0A Inverted Vee anténa

Inverted Vee anténa

Inv.Vee anténa na strome
Inv.Vee antenna in a tree
Inverted Vee anténa
Inverted Vee anténa

Osvedčená drôtová pre KV Pasma antena antena do Inverted Vee – inverted V-Greece. It is actually a modification of the dipole, which will last with one point fixings. Thanks to, the arms of an angle about. 100-120 degrees, impedance is lower than the impedance of the dipole, and as such can achieve better adaptation to the 50-ohm coaxial cable. The advantage is the content of the vertical component of emitting, what is good for DX.

To perform the necessary wire of sufficient strength (diameter of 1.5 mm and more), center insulator with a connector to connect the coaxial cable, two end insulators, some cable insulation and appropriate support in – current. The manufacture of wire dipole polvnný, whose length is calculated by the formula

lambda = 300/f [m; MHz]

dipól = lambda/2[m; m]

dipole arm = (POL / 2) x 0,96 [m; m]

In the last formula is found constant 0,96 – shortening factor. Due to the thickness of the antenna driver and the environment is practical arms length shorter than the theoretical. After making such an antenna pulled through the pulley to working height and PSV check meter or antenna analyzer's setup. The ideal working height is lambda / 4 or more.
