The CQ World Wide DX Contest has become one of the highlights of the radio amateur competition calendar and symbolizes the spirit and passion for communications in this community. It has been organized since 1945. The goal of the competition is to establish as many connections as possible with radio amateurs from different parts of the world in a limited time. Competitors are divided into different categories according to performance, bands, and transmitter type. As a lover of voice connections, that is, SSB, I couldn't miss this year's edition at the end of October.
After years, when I didn't have the antennas completed, I managed to complete them RDM-12 mast also an inverted V antenna on 40m. In the box on the mast there is an antenna switch with a relay controlled by a band decoder. The antennas are thus automatically switched according to the frequency. They are:
- inverted V for 80m @12m high
- inverted V for 40m @9m high
- moxon tribander pre 20m, 15m a 10m @15m high
Propagation conditions at KV are close to solar maximum. That is, periods, when the upper KV bands are also open. That's why I also considered a category with all bands. However, family reasons led me to choose a less demanding one-lane category: 15m with low power assisted.
You will read:
My last activity on this band was in 2020. Also in the CQ World Wide DX Contest, where Oliver OM0RX and I only used the W-8010 antenna on a small mast. That's why I now helped myself by predicting the spread VOACAP online
It's quite simple: to begin with, I will define the antenna, mode is the band. In the top bar, I select my country and destination country. Then I use the Prop Charts function to display the prediction window, where I choose the desired band. According to the green curve, I have a prediction of the signal strength in the target location.
The CQ World Wide DX Contest begins 2023
The first link in the log is A44A. The beginning of the contest is always easier, because even when searching, one comes across the station, which it already has in the log. I also do the CQ World Wide DX Contest 2023, China:
He is the first Japanese JR2GRX:
The CQ World Wide DX Contest also brings together long-distance friends. Many stations travel to attractive locations, where they will build antennas and equipment just for this weekend. Michal also went on such a long journey, who was on the island of Pantelleria as IH9/OK1M:
He is the first American K1RM:
Follows K1LZ:
Of course, creating such signals in Europe is the result of superior antennas and the use of high power. However, the result is audible. Among a series of such stations, I manage to find OY6A from the Faroe Islands:
The Caribbean is a relatively popular place for broadcasting in this contest. The reasons are:
- amateur radio rarity of the site
- scoring method in CQ WW
- suitable location from the point of view of propagation of signals on KV
- relative proximity to areas with higher amateur radio activity
An example 8P5A z Barbadosu:
I do too VE3VN. Ron has excellent blog, which is a well of many inspirations.
The last Saturday connection is N2IC. Due to family options, I finish at half past eight our time. There were certainly still plenty of signals on the band. Even during the day, I interrupted the operation several times. Anyway, there are over a quarter of a thousand connections in the log.
Day two of the CQ World Wide DX Contest 2023
I start earlier, which is reciprocated and a station from India is added to the log, VU2GHO:
JE6RPM started a great series of Japanese stations:
… and others. I admire their operation. It is known the effort to decipher even weaker signals and consistency in connections. As if I'm logging in as well DF7A and E7DX. Those not because of the distance, but they represent a multiplier for the country. The distance to these countries does not favor HF propagation of 15 m, so their signals are not strong:
We will also say hello to Oliver OM0RX:
Sometimes even a rare connection like Guam succeeds, AH2R:
But LX8M I was looking forward to it. ON4EI is on the team, who drove to Ireland with a caravan for several years. Here he built the entire station within a few days and broadcast with excellent results. In evolution it is possible to find a lot of inspiration in his portable activity
Besides that LX8M represents another multiplier:
Stations have a hard time, which are in areas, where the weather is not kind to antennas. He could certainly confirm that TF3T, which added two multipliers:
It is also a multiplier 4U1A:
He comes after him AA3B:
In the evening I finally find the first station from Argentina, LT1F:
And also Uruguay, CX7SS:
French Guiana is on the rise, FY5FY:
I'm also doing Reunion with luck, TO7K:
Why I'm lucky? There were not many African stations in this year's CQ WW contest. I have seen TO7K in the DX cluster several times, but I heard him just now.
The last connection is L71D:
The longest connection was ZL7IO, approximately at 18800 kilometers. Chatham Island is one of the ten main islands of New Zealand. It is located in the east of the North Island. With its beautiful nature and unique ecosystem, this island is a popular place for ecotourism. Chatham is also home to several species of birds and marine mammals, which offer visitors a unique experience of observing wild fauna.
The logo is 450 contacts, of which two duplicate connections. Overall 98 DXCC countries a 30 Zones, which gives less than 120,000 points. Nevertheless,, that the conditions for broadcasting were not ideal, it was an experience. An experience, what it brings CQ World Wide DX Contest.