Introduction OM0A HA DX a UBA DX contest

HA DX a UBA DX contest

Shack OM0A

After the new year is approaching two smaller, but very pleasant contests. the first is HA DX Contest, to be held 21.-22.January 2012. The duration is twenty-four hours, from 12UT 12UT to. Connection is being established with all stations with connections with Hungarian stations are favored spot. Terms of HA-DX Contest can be found on the

Contest is another UBA DX Contest, the SSB portion of the 28.-29.January 2012 starting from Saturday to Sunday 13UT 13UT. Contest conditions are favorable and the station across the European Union, only Belgium – They are preferred spot and are a multiplier. Conditions UBA DX Contest can be found at

It is not yet clear, on what brand it will be possible to participate in Contest. Why? While not come because permission to use the brand contest OM0A of the Telecommunications Office for 2012. Well, you never know…
