Introduction OM0A Contest Team Rating WPX race

Rating WPX race

OM6PR Peter
OM6PR Peter

The possibility of assessing the results WPX race according to various criteria is much. The official - the final results of this global event in amateur radio broadcasts on shortwave we will have to wait maybe a couple of months. I will try, therefore, to assess the results achieved WPX racing team OM0A in terms of completed connections to various countries, registered in the list of DXCC for "continents".

AF - Africa:
3V - Tunisia, 6W – Senegal, C9 - Mozambique, CN – Morocco, CT3 – Madeira Is., D4 – Cape Verde, EA8 – Canary Is., Z8 – South Africa
AS – Asia:

4L – Georgia, 4X – Israel, 5B- Cyprus, 9M2 – West Malaysia, A6 – United Arab Emirates, A7 - Qatar, BY – China, A - Arnenia, EX – Kyrgyzstan, KS – Thailand, AND - Japan, JT – Mongolia, TA – Turkey, UA9 – Asiatic Russia, UN - Kazakhstan, VR – Hong Kong
NA – North America:
8P – Barbados, FM - Martinique, HI – Dominican Republic, K – United States of America, OX – Greenland, AND – Canada
SA – South America:

HK – Colombia, LU – Argentina, P4 – Aruba, PJ2 – Neth. Antiles, PY – Brazil
OC - ​​Oceania:
9M6 – East Malaysia, DU - Philippines, KH0 – Mariana Is., V8 – Brunei Darussalam, VK – Australia, YB – Indonesia, ZL – New Zeland
US - Európa:

50 – countries

Overall, it was realized 1476 conjunction with 92 DXCC zemami.
In the case of individual races (and after confirmation QSL), This would result almost meant the opportunity to apply for one of the rarer the amateur diplomas – DXCC. At the next race (can CQWW contest in October 2009) We will certainly try to overcome 100 DXCC countries in one race.

I wish radio amateurs and random visitors to this page peaceful survival Easter holidays, Health abundance, Happiness and Love.

Igor - OM6AC
