Introduction Amateur radio VHF PA - July 2024

VHF PA - July 2024

OM0AAO vo VKV PA júl 2024
OM0AAO in VKV PA July 2024

The rotator started jamming in the center of the VHF PA. First, at the turn command, he changed the azimuth by a few degrees and then stopped turning the antenna. Checking the cable and enabling the antenna in the rotator did not show, which could cause the problem. Of course, such stretching with cables and the inability to direct will not add to the result... After about 20 minutes, the rotator started to turn.

Fields around Černecký vrch
Fields around Černecký vrch

I had a visit on Černecki vrch. Oliver OM0RX came to see just as I was configuring the software pre VKVPA. I use N1MM+, PSTRotator, AirScout a KST4Contest od DO5AMF.

Setup OM0AAO for VKV

Setup: Kenwood TS-2000, LNA HA8ET with sequencer, antenna OTRSP switch, rotator controller with ERC interface to PC, RSP1A SDR, USB hub, sound card
Setup: Kenwood TS-2000, LNA HA8ET with sequencer, antenna OTRSP switch, rotator controller with ERC interface to PC, RSP1A SDR, USB hub, sound card

The basis of the setup is the Kenwood TS-2000, in which it is decoupling amplifier G4HUP a INRAD filter #92. I managed to get it after a long search. Since I am not satisfied with the sensitivity of the TS-2000, that's how I use it low-noise HA8ET preamplifier with sequencer. Above it OTRSP antenna switch. This enables switching of multiple antennas from a PC. It is in the control box of the Yaesu G-650C rotator ERC interface DF9GR. At the very top of this tower is the RSP1A SDR clone, USB HUB and small sound card. After vicissitudes with resources, which did not cooperate with the power plant, I started using a modified HP power source a long time ago, which can be obtained from Poland.

The TS-2000 transmits less than 100W to the antennas. Teraz to bola osvedčená štvorica DK7ZB yagi. Coaxial cable LCF12-50J – 1/2″ CELLFLEX® in length 13 meters. Takto to vyzerá v aute:

DK7ZB yagi antény presne vojdú do auta
DK7ZB yagi antény presne vojdú do auta

VKV PA starts

Compared to the situation a month ago, almost no interference from nearby stations. I start by scanning the band and collecting some locators. For example, JO80 from OL1B. Only after a while I start the challenge at the upper edge of the band. Mainly more distant stations are heard I'm Michael DB7MM/P a Daniel DM1DF. I'm listening to the speaker, so that Oliver could also hear the VHF operation. It's more demanding than listening on headphones, but it can be done. The third German station is DO1CTL

Contest deployment
Contest deployment

The holiday season also shows itself in bands. There are quite a few Italian stations connected to the KST chat, and even a few usual participants from Croatia are apparently not on the band. After a long time, I also saw Dany in the cottage YO5LD. He was probably just testing something, because he didn't answer. Activity seemed weaker than usual from the southeast and south.

Among the challenges, I try to find possible multipliers in the chat. For example Joska YO5AVN brings KN17 and closes the first hour with almost the fiftieth connection.

The hourly number of connections was affected by problems with the rotator
The hourly number of connections was affected by problems with the rotator

After joining the Dragon OM3CQF the already mentioned problem with the rotator appears. The following 13 minutes there is no connection. I'm looking for a problem, but it seems intractable. I decide, that I will work in a given direction and from time to time manually rotate the antenna. Since I now have a fixed azimuth of approx. 220°, so I try stations from the southeast. Is coming IK4GNG and then I try the rotator again. Reluctantly at first, but then it starts spinning!

I turn further south and they come in sequence 9A0V, E77P, 9A8A, 9A7KFF, 9A1O, 9A1CCS, 9A1AAY, I3FGX, S59K a S56P. Perfect series. However, it only increased in the second hour 24 contacts.

We need to work, so I'm trying to head more west and northwest again. Is coming DK4VW from JO40, which I don't usually do. Among the series of OK stations, Dennis pushes through with a very good signal F6DCD/P z JN38, What is 734 kilometers and ODX. Another German station passes in a moment DF2UQ and DF9ME/P.

Yaesu G-650C rotátor na podstave s kĺbom
Yaesu G-650C rotátor na podstave s kĺbom. Vidieť využitie matíc s plastovou hlavou a podložku zo starej duše nákladného automobilu. V päte je lanko, ktorým sa vymeriava identická vzdialenosť kotevných kolíkov

I try to find as many connections as possible, so I rotate the antenna. It pays off, Ivan OM5UM I give number 100 and there is still time. At the end of VKVPA, Juro calls OM4AJK for OM3KUK and finally DH8BQA from JO73.

Map of locator squares in VKV PA July 2024
Map of locator squares in VKV PA July 2024
DXCC in VKV PA July 2024
DXCC in VKV PA July 2024

It's at the end 111 QSOs to 29 locators, what at 424 gives a total of points 12296 points. The point average per connection is 3,82. It was amazing, that there was little interference on the band. Against the situation from last month huge difference.

Thanks to Oliver OM0RX I have some photos available, which I wouldn't have been able to get otherwise and at the same time two skilled hands for packing the setup. TNX!
