Have you ever seen ON4KST chat on a mobile phone display?? The July VKVPA was also about this from Vlčie vrch in the village of Horná Súča, or JN88xx in radio amateur terms..
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TIP alternative ON4KST chat interface
This chat has had the same visuals for a long time, which is configurable though, but it may not suit everyone. It is a simple and clear alternative https://kst2you.bss.design , project Robina Szemetiho, G1YFG
Re-Exam JN88xx
I decided on Vlčí vrch mainly for a reason, that the previous performance in VKVPA I did with 6-element YU7EF antenna and I started the second elevation of Brestovec already with 8-element DK7ZB yagi, which probably resulted in better results. What if the JN88xx is better than it seemed?
The setup was supposed to consist of:
- 4×5-element DK7ZB yagi with Yaesu G-650C rotator
- 8-element DK7ZB yagi hand shot
- Kenwood TS-2000 including SDR output to RSP1A receiver and CAT
- headset with electret microphone and a foot switch
- power generator
- source home made 13.8V/20A
- laptop with N1MM+ diary with SDR spectrum and DX cluster, AirScout a WtKST
- a second 15-inch monitor
- mobile internet connection
Before VKVPA, I was busy adjusting the modulation with a new headset. However, I implemented it on the 80m band with mains power. It appears, that it is not good for VHF when fed from a power plant and will require further investigation.
Even if the setup is extensive, can be assembled quickly. For example, I have plastic head nuts on the rotator, which makes attaching the mast a matter of seconds.
A laptop brought a surprise to the VKVPA. It didn't respond at all when turned on. So I pulled out a few sheets of paper and a pen. I solved the KST chat on a mobile phone. Who hasn't tried - doesn't know. But it still helped a little.
So I logged in without an overview of the multipliers. However, I finally enjoyed the comfort of filming the antenna system 4×5-elements DK7ZB yagi rotator.

My radio amateur activity aroused interest and several people stopped by - from small children with their parents on a walk to runners and cyclists. No wonder, such corn does not normally grow in the field!
How the JN88xx has proven itself?
It's at the end 66 contacts – a little less than in the last round from JN88st, but that was not the point. After transcribing the diary into the computer, it worked 19 multipliers a 4256 points.

I will try to improve the shortcomings and improve step by step.