Introduction Amateur radio VKVPA - July 2022

VKVPA - July 2022

Stack DK7ZB yagi antén
Stack DK7ZB yagi antennas

Have you ever seen ON4KST chat on a mobile phone display?? The July VKVPA was also about this from Vlčie vrch in the village of Horná Súča, or JN88xx in radio amateur terms..

TIP alternative ON4KST chat interface

This chat has had the same visuals for a long time, which is configurable though, but it may not suit everyone. It is a simple and clear alternative , project Robina Szemetiho, G1YFG

Re-Exam JN88xx

I decided on Vlčí vrch mainly for a reason, that the previous performance in VKVPA I did with 6-element YU7EF antenna and I started the second elevation of Brestovec already with 8-element DK7ZB yagi, which probably resulted in better results. What if the JN88xx is better than it seemed?

The setup was supposed to consist of:

Before VKVPA, I was busy adjusting the modulation with a new headset. However, I implemented it on the 80m band with mains power. It appears, that it is not good for VHF when fed from a power plant and will require further investigation.

Even if the setup is extensive, can be assembled quickly. For example, I have plastic head nuts on the rotator, which makes attaching the mast a matter of seconds.

A laptop brought a surprise to the VKVPA. It didn't respond at all when turned on. So I pulled out a few sheets of paper and a pen. I solved the KST chat on a mobile phone. Who hasn't tried - doesn't know. But it still helped a little.

So I logged in without an overview of the multipliers. However, I finally enjoyed the comfort of filming the antenna system 4×5-elements DK7ZB yagi rotator.

Both antennas in JN88xx
Both antennas in JN88xx

My radio amateur activity aroused interest and several people stopped by - from small children with their parents on a walk to runners and cyclists. No wonder, such corn does not normally grow in the field!

How the JN88xx has proven itself?

It's at the end 66 contacts – a little less than in the last round from JN88st, but that was not the point. After transcribing the diary into the computer, it worked 19 multipliers a 4256 points.

Map of locators in VKVPA July 2022
Map of locators in VKVPA July 2022

I will try to improve the shortcomings and improve step by step.
