Introduction OM0A OM0A CQ WPX Contest Story 2010

OM0A CQ WPX Contest Story 2010

Steve OM7KW associate with Dan OM4AQP to 14MHz
Anténa na 28MHz - 4el.yagi
Antenna at 28MHz – 4el.yagi

Just before the contestový OM0A team met together for the first time in CQ Contest WXP-e. Now we can verify, how progress in one year managed to make the team.

In January, however, did not appear at all the joint team contestovanie. With the impending deadline for the race, the number of participants grow: OM0AAO Viliam, OM7KW Števo, Igor OM6CI, Peto OM6PR, Mišo OM0AAB, Gabo OM0AAG, Dano OM4AQP, Oliver MW0JRX a Rado.

Looking at last year's band results, we decided, that clearly needs to be improved antenna for 7MHz. Therefore, the building began to grow pole. To him be located Moxon directional antenna, but after breaking a shoulder replaced it certified elementová DK7ZB 2-Yagi for 14MHz. During the winter the antenna in a small amount. Friday, although unpleasant for wind, We stress the antenna to work up (c.. 15m).
Place a proposed antenna in the air came 7MHz dipole. The working height is removed by a simple rope system. The most difficult was to climb the tree and sling across limb auxiliary cable. The antenna was tested in the ARRL DX Contest-e.

In addition, we have decided to send up to two antennas simultaneously. Therefore, he made William OM0AAO power divider (stackmatch) and an interface to the transceiver. Typical vertical štvrťvlnný to confess 7MHz matter of earth to a radial radial Lift.

Pracovisko č.2 po úprave
Department No.2 after treatment

Since we wanted to avoid complicating the antenna switching in the workplace, We tried category M2 crosslinked three transceivers with the, that operators in the room agree to change the bands. Networking N1MM was partially successful, so we can start the contest planned configuration.

After a few hours but 7MHz department reported only a few dozen links. A disconnect switch and the inclusion stackmatchu. Option comparison antennas find, štvrťvlnný verticals that the emphasis is radially much weaker than the dipole. It is still close to the antenna at 14MHz and broadcasting into it causing interference on this band. We change the configuration N1MM and workplaces.

The night, however, operators have fared very well at 80 m. Combining inv.V, beverage antenna and the new PA goes perfectly.

This morning, the first emerging signs of 15 m. Not much, before such a DX-like vyzobávanie. Angry rotator, which after a few hours of operation with the control unit desynchrnoizuje. The indicator shows the real West and the antenna is rotated in Japan.

Top band, 10m, wants to open properly. So it remained until the end of the contest…

Slightly adjust the vertical walking 7MHz. Finally, as the walk, time, however, find occasional numbness receiver. Changing transceveri, Try another PA, Tuner - a little better. Sunday Opening PA, Times - fault anywhere. Salvific idea but it comes - suppress reverse currents from the antenna. The coaxial cable nacvakávam some ferrites. It works!

Števo OM7KW s prísediacim Danom OM4AQP na 14MHz
Steve OM7KW associate with Dan OM4AQP to 14MHz

Perfectly goes 14MHz. Some of the signals W / VE stations are unbelievable. Visible, how significant is the antenna height above ground.

Briefly came to visit us and Peťo OK1FCJ, who spent his holiday in the Tatras and I swear OM8ACE. Peter and the pair combined for 80 m did for him is cordial thanks. It was to him very well.

On Sunday, a small PA align ourselves to 160 m. Again, it is necessary to remove the cap, hex bit in and power goes out again. Over time, however, denouncing both the service and are moving from 160 m coaxial cable antenna to the second department.

During the contest is on full stomachs and well looked after nerádioamatérov trio led by Cyrus Elected. No wonder, that we have achieved an excellent result! MNI TNX chalani!

Final view of the monitor:

Zone Connections Body WPX
1,8MHz 114 225 28
3,5MHz 770 1761 323
7,0MHz 641 1623 200
14MHz 616 1068 212
21MHz 220 602 93
28MHz 25 73 3
TOTAL 2386 5352 859
RESULT 4 597 368
Tím OMA - vzadu zľava: Igor OM6CI, Števo OM7KW, Vilo OM0AAO. Sediaci zľava: Oliver MW0JRX, Peťo OM6PR, Dano OM4AQP a Rado
By OMA – back off: Igor OM6CI, Števo OM7KW, Sleep OM0AAO. Seated from left: Oliver MW0JRX, Peto OM6PR, Dano OM4AQP to Rado

The language of numbers: O 61% percent more connections than last year and the 125% more points! After the end of the contest we have on this toast - but why not, HI.

On Monday, after breakfast, we removed the workplaces and antennas. The team has now split into different parts of Slovakia, to the next event brought together again. Thanks for all stations and links encouraging words!
