Introduction OM0A CQ WPX SSB preparation

CQ WPX SSB preparation

Preparation spiderbeamu
CQ WPX logo
CQ WPX logo

CQ WPX is for Central Europe very grateful contest, because it provides a large number of multipliers of a relatively small distance. For example, to get five multipliers from Germany over 80 meters is usually easier to get five multipliers from Australia.

This year we have chosen to participate CQ WPX SSB contestu 24.-25.brand 2012 unusually in the category Multi-One (also known as a Multi-Single). This category allows you to have only one transmitted signal at a given time and a limited number of changes in the hour bands. However, it is tolerant to fewer operators. OM0A would be operated by three operators, Viliam OM0AAO, Oliver VK8DX a Rado OM0AMR. we'll see, how many OM / OK we can log in using this year. If you want to encourage and support, Call us on each band, where you will hear. Good luck and we look forward to the connection!
