Introduction OM0A CQWW contest in the category XTREME

CQWW contest in the category XTREME

Remote staton software

Tender category XTREME CQWW contest organizers are innovative, Achievement, which allows radio amateurs to use technology contest groups, which are banned in other races. Their contribution to the outcome, especially when using a network SDR receivers over the Internet or high-end voice recognition software can be significant.

From this perspective it is relatively simple OM0A station. Remote station OM0A is based on HamRadio Deluxe server using hardware and software add-ons such as switching antennas, rotate the antenna and the measurement. The concept is focused on modesty and reliability. However, as competition to emerge in the CQWW? The answer he gave last weekend.

Race begins at the second hour dawn CET. Launches a call for 80 m. Special, that the band is extremely interference call, and sometimes even a big gun. After the hour is more than a century in the logo link and decided to look top band. Its appeal is easy to, new antenna works well, Adjustment to. When 1840kHz is over PSV 4:1… Adjustment is set higher, because of a power 300 – 350I did not foresee W, that this will be my "segment". Band tunes and raise, What is there at that time located and transferred to 40 m.

This is an important zone, well where I used to go vertical. It occurs but the problem - the posting of 7100kHz appears RFI LAN, causing multiple magnification Delay remote station. It's annoying, because the moment I lose the audio and so prefer going back to the lower band. Still, I try 40 meters - it's, module, but slightly. Its appeal is so difficult, but otherwise it is not.


Waiting for the first US station 80m - although a couple of them hear, but fails to attach. At 40 meters it is easier. Alternate bands, I maintain that rate, occasionally tackles the challenge of 160 m and an eye, or commencing to open upper band. It's so, First connection to 15 meters I log EX2To 04.25 and then passed on 20m, where it is already quite nicely. Sometimes a trip to the multiplier 40 m. Soon, the register also signals on 10m. The first log in to this band is A73A o 05.20UT and subsequently PY2YU long way the first call! Spots is increasing, but signals are still weak, so getting to the lower bands.


About an hour I was back to 10 m, which is well, Lebo Writing ZM4T and beyond 5H3EE. Both the first call. That's adrenaline signals, it will be something special. Just relax - do quickly to other bands 3-point connections: na 15m JA a UA9, and 40m K / W. And then it begins - beautiful cord JA stations on 10m varied with KH7X, JT5DX, D2QV, 8Q7DV, XV1X! The Japanese are famous not only discipline in pile-UPE, but good ears, but that will be invoked so easy - amazing!

I give attention to other bands and so sometimes I jump on 15m and 20m. After eleven hours in the connection log päťsto. JA stations on 10m already there, but at a very early time appear first W / VE power station on 20m. W3LPL, NN3W, VE3EJ, CF3A, VE2IM, W4RM,…

Despite the lower rate rather getting multipliers and valuable links. I know, that afternoon, even if they were good conditions for the outer bands throughout the Atlantic, hence it is difficult over the direction of the mountains. About 14.57 finally invoke K3LR on 10m. The band is inflated by the unusual width, Some stations are around 28.8 MHz.

Terénny profil QTH
Terénny profil QTH

Early evening we return to 40 meters and it is still early, I find the call frequency in a smooth segment. Most of the connection is only jednobodových month, but it's pretty. Are beginning to show fatigue, I bands almost eighteen hours and so give a break to eat and sleep very concise. About 00.24UT I'm back and after finding what they look like short band is launching a call on 80 meters and occasionally bounced to 160 m and 40 m. Forties is a bit of sales rose, technique works, which improves mood. Repeated on Sunday the conditions on 10m? It looks promising, about 05.04 am I doing there VI6NC, but sounder walk 20 meters and thrive collect Russian stations of the zones 17 and 18 - It does not seem so attractive, but the point is not insignificant contribution.

An Yoshida JM1NKT
An Yoshida JM1NKT

Beautiful walking and K / W station at 80 m and 40 m. The first night has called hard, but not now. I am noticing an increase in spots 10m and so I go there to see - the Japanese are here! The 06.39 written thousands of connections, JM1NKT to 10 m. There is also 3D2A real 59, but callers are oodles. Rather regret it and getting easier connection.

Because of the duties in the morning several stray, but try to return as soon as possible. About 11.17 points skip over one million mark. Nicely accrue K / W connections on 15m and 20m, ten but do not go here. Physical fatigue is already considerable. Very not be fooled, how vain I change seats and move the PTT switch. Thus, rather letting keyer are put on 20m. Usually just called Europe.

However, the rest came in handy and added three forces to extract PY stations 10m and again frequently alternating bands which still seems like a good way of collecting links. Further relaxation of keyer you give from 17.36 to 40 m. The band is relatively barren and is therefore strange, How many stations are pushing the CW segment. Even before contesto I made a commitment, that there will not be broadcast even at, that I lose my connection.

Pokukujem evening after 80 m, especially at a time, on Saturday, which I used to relax. Manages to produce a smaller pile-up, especially after the spots and RA3M R2AT. Who knows?, if I neglected to touch 160 m, 19.15 because the spot was located there A73A, we make the first call. We're now more line calls, always manage to about thirty or connection to 80 m or 40 m. Fatigue is a major and so I make a break for ten minutes, but they can only briefly. The 22.09 is for me CQWW ends connected to ES5G 80m. The logo is 1498 QSOs and 1.322.450 points.

QSO rate v CQWW conteste 2011
CQWW contest QSO rate v 2011

In addition to its own technology, I activated a few times and one of SDR receivers online . I checked them, if my signal passes through the target area in a suitable power. If so, I continued in the call even though at that moment did not call station.

I do not, that this result was modest in scale CQWW valuable, but this is the first step towards XTREME.

Thanks to all operators, contest during the call or answer a call OM0A and I look forward to hearing from you at the next race!
