Introduction OM0A European HF Championship OM0A

European HF Championship OM0A

EU HF Championship Contest 2012 diplom OM0A
EU HF Championship Contest 2012 diploma OM0A

For someone, who still European HF Championship (EUHFC) did not go, it is difficult to plan strategy. Since it's only 12-hour race, propagation conditions can not be repeated in the next day and he misses the opportunity to make the necessary connections, fails. Determined plan was therefore simple - make as many links to 15m 10m views, the lower zone will be opened at a later date.

Contest Saturday did not start just perfect, It is given to the work duties, He come visit and weather radar display of thunderstorms around. My acquaintances know, such that the noise contestovaní hate, hi.

Starting to 10m, wherein passing the Italian station. After a few minutes, however, the phone rings and QRL calls…. After nearly an hour and a half I'm back, but propagation conditions are no longer. Thus forcibly transferred to the 15 m, but since there has also stations niet, so that alternate with 20 m. It's the idea of ​​getting to know better. The hard part is to find the frequency of the challenge. team, that the stations are relatively close, Thus, in the zone of silence, mutually hear. And if that was not enough, evening phone rings again.

Dinner time nadchádza 40 m. In excellent strength, there are stations in the European part of Russia and of course all others. Nor I keep wondering, all who call. Alternujem s 80m, which it is still empty and after the start of the call will start line eager stations. Income is often difficult, not for the interference between the stations, but for QRN of storms. On the second computer, I open and monitor the progress of storms. After subside first "package" of stations going back to 40 meters - the station is more and less crackling. Soon multiplier 40 meters and 20 meters overtaking points. For this I'm not used, This area requires great mental strength and skill of the operator to deal with the specifics.

Nobody wants to go 160 meters, slams there crazy, looks, that everyone tunes in to the top band until the end. It does not look good, main area storm was still approaching and the end EUHFC it will be only worse. Obviously this also happens to others, that in the end it will be unusable zone. Connections can follow quite easily, sold EUHFC code is simple, and if you have the affected station made on other bands, sufficient to properly understand the callsign, hi.

With the conclusion of the race, the pace slows, often alternate bands. I wanted to overcome the limit of 100k pixels, but just resist. Pity the time spent in work responsibilities, enough perhaps five links to the upper zone and managed by it.

Zone Connections Body Násobiče
1,8MHz 54 54 31
3,5MHz 123 123 49
7,0MHz 224 224 54
14MHz 90 90 46
21MHz 6 6 6
28MHz 9 9 8
TOTAL 506 506 194
RESULT 98 164
