Introduction Amateur radio CQ contest, JN98as!

CQ contest, JN98as!

Kenwood TR-751E
Kenwood TR-751E v OM VHF LOW POWER CONTEST-e 2018

Do you know the panorama around Trencin? About 10 beeline kilometers south of the city off the 1042 meter high mountain. Amateurs would say: „JN98as!"Whether you choose to mount for one thing or another order, appreciate very nice view. On top is a tourist lookout and next to the mast Army. Benefits include the ability to exit the car after Inovecký chat where is the summit has only a short walk. Most visitors, however, Považský Inovec goes on foot from different sides. Quite a few are also cyclists, which attracts the perfect downhill. At the top is the possibility of WIFI Internet connection.

Map link in the Contest JN98as
Map link in the Contest JN98as

And these are the reasons, why I Považský Inovec as FM dimension has tried in the past. Unfortunately broadcast of the lookout is quite uncomfortable because the place on the platform are not many. So I did not block the tourists and visitors výhľaduchtivých, it is preferable to distribute the next piece. The disadvantage is, the peak is forested.

After the European HF Championship Contest at night coming back to Trencin where after 3-ojhodinovom sleep continues on top. About 8h indeed come raindrops, but then vyčasí. On top of decomposition in the open air. Setup is simple: Kenwood TR-751E powered by a maintenance-free battery + 6el.DK7ZB (50 ohm version). Login to N1MM+ on netbook.

Hikers and cyclists stretched ears and look, what's happening. It is not unusual, that someone asks, What am I doing. suspect, it is about connecting with the world, ale „five nine zero one six julliet november nine eight alfa sierra“ znie ako zaklínadlo. well, in less than 2,5 Clock those spells were 51 and they put together 8674 points. several stations, For example OK1DOL or DR1H I tried to call, but had a decent pile-up, so it was not.

Považský Inovec is thus quite nice dimension to such contests. Certainly it has potential also for better results, but it would like to rule the greater iron and art Contesting. TNX for connection and nice time with ether QRP, friends!

