Introduction Amateur radio CQ WW RTTY Contest 2021 in OM0A

CQ WW RTTY Contest 2021 in OM0A

N1MM s RTTY prevádzkou OM0A
N1MM RTTY operation OM0A

He once brought me to RTTY contesting Števo OM7KW. In contests like CQ WW RTTY it is possible to make contacts with less power than needed on SSB or CW. At the same time, the advantage is, that it is a quiet mode of operation, so it does not disturb the surroundings like SSB.

Contest setup OM0A RTTY

I use Yaesu FT-1000MP, which has an INRAD roofing filter. At the first intermediate frequency it is possible to narrow to 500 Hz or 250 Hz. In the second intermediate frequency, I no longer have a narrow filter available. The connection to the computer is provided by MicroHAM DigiKeyer. The contest log is N1MM +.

The set is completed by a modified amplifier RM-Italy KL-501. For the 80m band it is on mast RDM-12 hung up antenna inverted V. For RTTY frequencies, I did the retuning by adjusting the ends of the antenna with pieces of cable.

Selecting category for the CQ WW RTTY Contest 2021

Combine family, Post-work and contest activities are always a challenge. I remember one debate of OK stations, where there was also talk of the ratio of time devoted to amateur radio activities and other activities. Ratio 1 to 40 hours sounds quite strongly to the detriment of amateur radio activity. If we consider, that the world contest lasts 48 hours, then other activities would be based 1920 hours (80 days).

The option is to choose a category, which interferes less with other activities. This is the selection of one band, either the chief (15m alebo 10m) or vice versa 80m. Since 80m is the band, which can be used at night, I opted for this option.

The choice of performance category depends on personal preferences. After several world races with lower performance (QRP 5W and Low Power 100W) I preferred higher performance this time. Amplifier, which I use is not close to the possible performance, but it can still weigh. I used it during the contest 200 up to 250W, but several connections were made with a power of about 20W.

Contest time

Amateur radio knows, that in the case of one zone the number of hours does not approach the permitted maximum. Due to work and family workload, I did not have the strength to get OM0A on the air the first night. The will was because I had the alarm set, but the reality was different.

It is a relatively large handicap to the stations, which may be on the band longer. Later, this manifested itself especially in the lack of contacts to America. I don't start making the first contacts until Saturday night.

It would be ideal to persevere all night, but what failed. With the contest coming to an end on Sunday, OM0A reappeared on the air until midnight from Sunday to Monday (local time).

Overall, OM0A was in the ether 10 hours 3 minutes.

How do I use N1MM + for RTTY?

I have been using the N1MM + contest log for many years and I am very satisfied with it. For RTTY there is a possibility of two interfaces MMTTY and MMVARI. I tried both, suits me better MMVARI. The reason is a better way of displaying the signal spectrum.

Macros are important for RTTY with predefined messages. I use K8UT RTTY macros and it can be said, that they are satisfactory.

The advantage is to have two monitors, which, however, I did not have available this time. On Sunday, I also activated SDR spectroscope in N1MM+. Why? If there is an extremely strong station near you, so on quality equipment it may not be perceived as a problem, but it is good to consider other stations as well, whose devices are not as durable. The SDR spectroscope will just show whether such a situation has not occurred or, on the contrary, will help in the search for a free frequency on call.

Which countries are in the OM0A log?

Connection statistics by individual DXCC in CQ WW RTTY Contest
Connection statistics by individual DXCC in CQ WW RTTY Contest

4L Georgia
9And Croatia
A6 United Arab Emirates
CT3 Wood
DL Germany
E7 Bosnia and Herzegovina
EA Spain
ER Moldova
ES Estonia
EU Belarus
F France
G England
GI Northern Ireland
GJ Jersey
GM Scotland
GW Wales
HA Hungary
HB0 Liechtenstein
HB9 Switzerland
I Italy
LA Norway
LX Luxembourg
LY Lithuania
LZ Bulgaria
OE Austria
OH Finland
OK Czech Republic
OM Slovakia
In Belgium
Trademark Denmark
PA The Netherlands
S5 Slovenia
SM Sweden
SP Poland
NE Greece
TA Turkey AS
UA Russia Russia
UA0 Russia AS
UA2 Kaliningrad
UR Ukraine
YL Latvia
TY Romania
YU Srbsko
Z3 Northern Macedonia

Result of CQ WW RTTY Contest 2021

It is in the OM0A logo 299 contacts, which gives 34371 points. In category 80m HP Assisted there were not many active stations. You can compare some key statistics against SV2BXZ. The main difference is in the multiplier gain at the beginning of the contest, that is, time, when I was not on the band.

Comparison of QSO rate SV2BXZ - OM0A
Comparison of QSO rate SV2BXZ – OM0A
SV2BXZ point increment comparison - OM0A
SV2BXZ point increment comparison – OM0A
SV2BXZ multiplier increment comparison - OM0A
SV2BXZ multiplier increment comparison – OM0A
SV2BXZ score comparison - OM0A
SV2BXZ score comparison – OM0A
Mapa spojení OM0A v CQ WW RTTY Contest-e
Mapa spojení OM0A v CQ WW RTTY Contest-e

In RTTY it is not possible to achieve the same connection speed as in SSB, but there is still room for improvement. One option is SO2R operation, which I have already tried. Thank you all for the connection and I look forward to meeting you on the band again!
